Announcement: Singer Amara La Negra reveals pregnancy with twins and plans to be a single mom

Posted by Kelle Repass on Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Amara La Negra has confirmed that she is expecting twins.

During an interview with PEOPLE, the star of Love & Hip Hop Miami shared that she noticed some changes in August while filming the VH1 show.


“I felt so nauseous that I thought the food was making me sick,” she explained. Not panicking, she chose to trust her instincts. “My woman’s intuition told me: ‘Do a pregnancy test’. I did the test, and it came back positive.”

I woke up pregnant like the Virgin Mary and I

La Negra also expressed her initial fear upon finding out about her pregnancy. “I was nervous. The first thing I thought about was my work and my projects, and having to tell my mom: ‘My life is going to change!'” she recounted. “I’m not going to lie, it took me like two days to process everything that had just happened. I started to cheer myself up because at the beginning [I felt] a lot of fear.”

In September, La Negra traveled to the Dominican Republic to oversee real estate investments and to visit a gynecologist.

I woke up pregnant like the Virgin Mary and I

“I had only done a urine [home pregnancy] test. When the [nurse] does the sonogram, she says: ‘Wow, there are two gestational sacs.’ I was happy, surprised, but I couldn’t process what she was telling me.”

The pregnancy news comes months after she experienced a miscarriage in July.

Reflecting on the miscarriage, she said: “It was very unusual. They suspect they were triplets. It’s hard to say it now because I had a lot of bleeding, and I was in a lot of pain,” she recalls. “I wasn’t precisely looking [to become pregnant] at this time, but I always said: ‘If God sends it to me, Amen, it’s decided’.”

I woke up pregnant like the Virgin Mary and I

Like her mother Ana María Oleaga, La Negra is planning to navigate single motherhood.

“In my case, I woke up pregnant like the Virgin Mary. I woke up pregnant and that’s all I remember,” she shared. “I will be a single mother. I know my babies will depend on me. Father is not the one who makes the child but the one who raises it. In time, if God grants me the blessing of finding the right man, one who supports me, who accepts me with my children, then Amen, he will be well received. But I feel blessed, and I am so happy that I sometimes forget that [I’ll be a single mom]. I am more focused on my babies.”
