Dr. Drew wonders if Angelina Jolie is still on drugs, calls her charity self-serving

Posted by Billy Koelling on Monday, August 12, 2024

TV psychiatrist Dr. Drew Pinsky had the Scientologists calling him a Nazi after he said in a recent interview that Cruise’s involvement in the cult looks like “a function of a very deep emptiness and suggests serious neglect in childhood – maybe some abuse, but mostly neglect.” Pinsky half-heartedly apologized in a bland statement afterward, with his rep saying “Dr. Drew meant no harm to Mr. Cruise and apologizes if his comments were hurtful.” You can’t blame the guy for not being more contrite after Cruise’s lawyer compared him to infamous Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels.

Cruise wasn’t the only celebrity Dr. Drew dissed in that interview in Playboy. He made a really sweeping statement about Angelina Jolie’s admission of past drug use, saying no one ever gets past using heroin and that he questions whether she’s still sober. He also called her charity work “self-serving.”

“I’m concerned with what’s really going on with Angelina Jolie,” he said in July’s issue of Playboy. “I’ve never seen someone remit heroin completely. You’re either still on heroin, Oxycontin or something else. Unless you’re dead. Is she still using something? Is she in recovery. If she’s in recovery, I don’t see any evidence of it, because people in recovery invest themselves in simple, selfless acts of service, not global self-serving acts.”

[From In Touch, print edition, June 30, 2008]

So, according to Dr. Drew there are no former heroin users who lead normal lives without attending meetings. Maybe he only sees the hard cases, but that seems like a pretty broad generalization.

Today is World Refugee Day and Angelina recorded a video to bring attention to the plight of displaced people throughout the world. Except somehow it’s all about her, since she admits to doing heroin in her past and no one who’s ever done heroin at any point can go on to lead a normal life without staying in recovery for the rest of their life, right Dr. Drew?

I don’t know how old these photos of Angelina are since they were undated, but she looks like she’s on something here. Thanks to PRPhotos.
