The following reset procedure is used when the scale shows an err2, err, 0.0, inaccurate weight, or some other unusual error. Remove the battery from the scale. Sit the scale on a hard surface floor. Step up onto the scale, stand still for about 5 seconds and step off the scale. Re-install your battery. Click to see full answer. In respect to this, how do you calibrate a Weighmax scale? Calibrating the Scale Place the scale on a flat surface in a room at normal room temperature. Turn on the scale. Wait until the scale reads 0. Press and hold the calibrate key, which is marked “CAL.” Wait until “CAL” is displayed on the LCD screen.Furthermore, what coin do you use to calibrate a scale? Other options are brand new U.S. pennies or nickels; a penny has a mass of exactly 2.500 grams, and a nickel has a mass of 5.000 grams. Place your chosen coin on the scale and read the output. If you placed a penny on the scale, you should read 2.500 grams. Herein, how do I calibrate my AWS scale? AWS-Series digital scale easy calibration steps A 100 gram pocket scale requires a 100 gram weight. Open your scales packaging and insert the batteries, lay the scale on a flat surface and power on. Press and hold the mode/units key until the screen reads CAL then release. Press the mode/units key one time and the CAL will then start to flash. What weighs 50 grams to calibrate a scale?Since most pocket scales will use grams for its weight measurement, nickels are a great object to use as each nickel weighs five grams. So, for example, if you need a weight of 50 grams for calibration, use 10 nickels. It is important that the nickels are also clean, otherwise it can affect your calibration weight.