Before he turned to acting, Crews spent four seasons playing in the NFL. He kicked off his football career as a defensive end for Western Michigan and, in 1991, was an 11th round draft pick, joining the Los Angeles Rams before being recruited by the San Diego Chargers in 1993, the Washington Redskins in 1995 and, finally, the Philadelphia Eagles in 1996, playing 32 games in total.
It may be uncommon for a professional athlete to transition into showbiz full-time, but as Crews told Business Insider in March 2017, his career on the field actually helped his career on set. "The good thing about football is that you develop a work ethic if you work at it, if you try," he said. "And you start to learn that anything can be learned... as long as you keep doing it, you can get it." He added, "It really prepared me for entertainment, in that, I could take rejection, I could go to an audition and realize that it wasn't about me and just realize it was about the piece."
The transition had its hardships. "You are known as an athlete... and then all of a sudden, you have to rebuild your life," he said. "It's very, very intense. People who have been in your college with you have gone on to relative success while you are starting over. And it's very strange, it's very foreign."